The Magic of Reading

Discover reading resources
that will keep your children 
reading and learning 
while away from school.

Beanstack is an online program that students can use to log the titles of the books that they have read.  

Epic! for Kids is an online library with 35,000 available titles for K-6 readers though I have found older readers enjoy the titles also.  There are some read-aloud titles as well as videos on different subjects. 
Some of the titles have short quizzes attached to them, but most are for pure enjoyment for reading.  Some grades have registered their students.  Here is the link to the login page:  Student login for Epic.  

Teaching Books is an online collection of children's books that is part of the Alabama Virtual Library and can be accessed through Clever.   

Children's eReading Room is the public library's online library.   Children can access ebooks and audiobooks for download.  The students can access it with their library cards.  If they do not have a library card they can register for a free ecard.  Click here to register for an ecard.  Click here for an instructional video on how to register for an ecard.  

Click Storyline Online to hear famous actors read stories aloud to students. Many of your children are familiar with the site and have enjoyed listening to the stories read being read by actors that they have seen in movies and on television.   "Many of the illustrations from the books are creatively manipulated to keep the listener engaged".-- site

YouTube Kids is an online resource for children.  There are several channels that promote reading with online storytimes.  Here is a list of some of those channels:  Animated Children's Books,   Mama & Dada Kids TV,   StoryRime at Awinie's House,  Grandma's House,  Storytime with Ryan and CraigHarperKids (Books are read by the authors),  and August House/Storycov (Focus is on folktales).

KidLit TV (KLTV)website that promotes reading.   It is divided into three sections: a tv/video, radio/podcast, and arts/activities area.  Following is a listing of different channels in KLTV.  Storymakers is a show that highlights children's authors and illustrators, Read Out Loud are storytime videos with children's authors.  Ready Set Draw! children's illustrators show children how they draw the characters in their books.  Young At Art illustrator James Ransome teach children basic to immediate drawing skills used by illustrators.  The BIG Picture Live! has illustrator Andrea Davis Pinkney showing children how to draw.  IN STUDIO takes children into the studio of artists/illustrators from around the world. In the PAST PRESENT: GIVING PAST STORIES NEW LIFE, the author Lesa Cline-Ransom explains how past events can give us a better understanding of the present and about ourselves using non-fiction books.  KL Radio is a children's podcast that focuses on books.  I encourage you to explore the channels with your children.  Some channels recommend books that might be found on Tumblebooks, Epic!, and the public library's eReading Room.


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